



Wisdom For Today – Fighting Against God

 Arrested again. The disciples’ bold testimony of Jesus had brought them once again before the religious council. [https://mcusercontent.com/fac00e310a8471de06bbe7119/images/78a1aeff-83a0-446d-85d2-396ada6d01ba.png] <cbmc.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fac00e310a8471de06bbe7119&id=81643b8dad&e=5a4b428ecb> Sharing Christ in the Marketplace [https://mcusercontent.com/fac00e310a8471de06bbe7119/images/2cacbaf9-e692-b4b2-48f7-bf597b4cae37.jpg] <cbmc.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fac00e310a8471de06bbe7119&id=7b1e2f118f&e=5a4b428ecb> But if it is of God you cannot overthrow it – lest you even be found to fight against God.
Acts 5:39
Arrested again. The disciples’ bold testimony of Jesus had brought them once again before the religious council. Some within the council were so angered that they suggested the disciples be put to death. But then the respected Rabbi Gamaliel spoke up and urged the council to take an easier course of action towards these men. He pointed out that if the disciples’ plan was of men it would come to nothing – but if it was of God, they would be fighting a futile battle.
How foolish to fight against the Lord! Yet how many try to do so – to their own detriment. As Isaiah tells us, “Woe to him who strives with his maker!” (45:9).
When you fight against God, you fight against your own good.
When Gamaliel gave his advice, Saul (later known as Paul) was there in that council. And yet he didn’t give heed, because Paul later went out and tried to fight against God. Determined to stamp out the influence of the church, Paul headed for Damascus. And it was there that he encountered the Lord, who asked, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 9:4).
No one loves you the way God does. He wants only good things for you. His plan for your life is far superior to yours. If you have been fighting against Him, the wisest thing you could do is surrender. Stop kicking against the goads. Yield yourself to God and let Him begin to work out the beautiful plan He has for your life.
Father, may we never be guilty of fighting against You. May we always be pliable in Your hands.

Dan Shock – Florida Marketplace Ministry E: floridamarketplaceministry@gmail.com P: 813-299-9219 W: www.floridamarketplaceministry.com<cbmc.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fac00e310a8471de06bbe7119&id=12934ee672&e=5a4b428ecb>
Upcoming Event: September 15, 2021 – Central Florida Leadership Prayer Breakfast – Click HERE<cbmc.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fac00e310a8471de06bbe7119&id=e615b4c2da&e=5a4b428ecb> for details
501c3 Charitable Contributions: Make Checks Payable to Florida Marketplace Ministry
Mail to: FMM – PO Box 6413 Brandon Fl 33508
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Excerpts taken from the teaching of Pastor Chuck Smith. www.FloridaMarketplaceMinistry.com<cbmc.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fac00e310a8471de06bbe7119&id=db0ac9e3a7&e=5a4b428ecb> CONTACT: P.O. Box 6413 Brandon, FL 33508 813-299-9219 floridamarketplaceministry@gmail.com
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Dan Shock

Dan & Sara Shock

"It is our desire to help people come into a personal relationship with the Lord."


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