



With You In The Fire

“Look!” he answered, “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” —Daniel 3:25
When Daniel’s friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, refused to bow to the image Nebuchadnezzar had set up, the king became furious, and ordered the three to be thrown into the burning furnace. But God always has the last word. Within the furnace, the men were untouched by the flames. When the king opened the furnace, he was startled to see not just three men inside, but four. And that fourth was “like the Son of God.”
Within this story we see a demonstration of the abiding presence of Jesus Christ, who preserves His people through the darkest hours and the fiercest trials. We would like it if God would just keep us from the fire altogether. That would be our preference. But many times He chooses not to do that.
**Instead of delivering us from the fire, God may choose to deliver us in the fire.
Fire refines. God desires purity in His people, so He often lets us spend some time in the furnace so that the impurities within us may be burned away.
You may be going through a fiery trial today, but know this—you are not in that fire alone. The Lord is there with you, and when the trial has served its purpose, He will deliver you.
Father, we thank You that we are never alone—even in the deepest pain or the darkest hour. How grateful we are for Your presence in the midst of difficulties. How blessed we are that You choose to go through our trials with us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
YBIC, Dan Shock FloridaMarketplaceMinistry.com / Central Florida Prayer Breakfast Coming Sept 15th. See allpropastors.org/leadershipprayerbreakfast/ My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell *Great Commission Event for you to take advantage of and bring someone unconvinced about Jesus Christ. We will share the gospel.
Perspective on Kingdom Work: “Thinking Lost” bit.ly/1iUQg7x -best teaching I’ve heard on the Great Commission

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Dan Shock

Dan & Sara Shock

"It is our desire to help people come into a personal relationship with the Lord."


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